How it Works

Improve your revenue performance in 4 steps 🙌

Boost your ability to quickly launch optimized, high-impact campaigns and generate more leads usingour modern, automated and AI-driven assisted process.

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Identify what's working and what's not

Using data and our roadmapping process, our team will quickly assess, prioritize and build a series of priority works streams that will produce the biggest benefits in the least amount of time. At the end of this process, we will have reviewed your marketing technology, processes, past campaigns and results and selected our initial areas of testing and improvement.

Finally document what's not working

Our strategic process locates the critical areas of weakness in your marketing and builds plans for quick wins we can build on over time.

Get onboarded and get results fast

Start your marketing transformation with ease. Our streamlined roadmaping process quickly sets you on the path to success with expert support.


Use data to implement smart improvements

Every time we launch a new effort, we'll look to implement improvements over the previous efforts. During our quick win phase, we'll begin building those core capabilities and strategies that will improve your overall performance.

Optimize your tech and systems

Work closely with our experts to develop and implement systems and technology that will further improve your tech campaigns.

Build new strategies that solve past challenges

Once identified, we'll begin to improve every aspect of your revenue performance through innovative strategies build on data.


Create revenue optimized campaigns and journeys

With your new tech and systems improvements in place, we'll then build low-risk, high reward campaign journeys, assets and content that will speed the velocity of your campaign wins and be set up for success from the start.  Plus, creative and design chops allow you to incorporate a variety of modern marketing assets – from videos, ads, emails and landing pages to engaging content formats. Our creative services are designed to scale with your needs, ensuring your campaigns are always fresh, relevant, and effective.

Test new formats from our vast asset library

Incorporate a variety of assets through our flexible playbook blocks, building campaigns that capture attention and deliver your message.

Keep adding assets and formats as needed

Our journeys can adapt to your changing needs, ensuring your marketing campaigns remain relevant and effective.


Prioritize and optimize your campaigns

In the dynamic world of marketing, priorities can shift quickly. Our flexible model is built to adapt with more data and results, allowing you to easily prioritize and reorganize campaigns, tactics and plays as your plans and business priorities change. ...ensuring your marketing efforts are always aligned with your current revenue objectives.

Change your priorities on the fly

Stay agile and responsive in the fast-paced marketing world with our model that allows quick adjustments to your marketing strategies.

Better align with your urgent business needs

Easily align your marketing efforts with evolving business objectives, ensuring relevance and effectiveness in all your campaigns.

Strategic planning included in every project

Unstick you campaign planning process

Double your planning and marketing management capacity using our proven tech marketing playbooks, all which include a strategic planning process we call "action planning". Get more high-performance campaigns planned using our expert tech marketing resources.

Increase your marketing skillset over night

Depending on the type of play or project, we'll designate a professional team of tech marketing strategists, designers, copywriters, motion designers, project managers and customer success personnel to manage your play from beginning to end.

Add critical skillset to your team

Your Mighty & True team will fill in the gaps where you need help or want to add new capabilities.

Improve your campaign process

Our team is trained on our streamlined playbook process and can improve your current workflow.

"The Mighty & True team makes running high-performance technology marketing a breeze. They're not just a service; they're a vital part of our marketing success story."
"The Mighty & True team literally doubled our marketing campaign capacity overnight. They are an extension of our internal marketing team that brings expert skills to the table."
"We've been able to test new digital formats and improve our time to market significantly using the M&T playbooks. They are a game changer for us."


Everything we do is meant to make it easier on you. If it’s not easy, we’re not doing our job.

How long does your process usually take?

We've built a process that streamlines the process of getting high-performance marketing campaigns out the door faster and with less hassle than traditional methods. Most tech campaign projects start with a base play that takes anywhere from 3-5 weeks to launch. After that, we start adding creative snaps like animation, direct mail, or other common high-tech marketing assets and content that can be launched in as little as 2-3 weeks.

What is included in a play?

Play are fully-developed marketing campaigns and assets that get you in marketing fast. Most plays include everything you need to get a campaign created including briefing, a high-level campaign plan, creative strategy and all the production-ready assets you need to get in market. Our customers find that augmenting their own marketing teams with Mighty & True personnel allows them to literally double their marketing capacity overnight.  

Does your process apply to all types of projects?

It sure does. We use the same launch process for all our tech campaign plays. Though the strategies may vary, we find it extremely helpful for our team and customers to lock into a way of working that is comfortable and understood by everyone working together. Our design process includes a short intake and a no-risk action planning phase, then following phases that include concept selection, 2 calibration phases and then final production.  Easy peasy.

Do I have to pay for the FlowOS dashboard?

No. The FlowOS dashboard is there for both our teams to use. We built it (and continue to improve it) to help our customers and teams make super high-performance tech marketing easier to pull off. It's really a benefit for both of us and we would never charge customers for it. It's part of our ongoing service. Plus, FlowOS will be live for the life of your programs, so you'll have access to all your assets forever! 

What do you deliver at the end of each project?

When we reach the end of our projects, we deliver all the deliverables agreed upon during the action planning process including all final image files and copy documents, along with all source files from the project including final images, icons, photos, video files and all AI, PSD, Figma, HTML, files. We aren't stingy. We encourage our clients to use our source files to build more great tech marketing themselves.

How do you onboard customers on to your M&T systems?

Onboarding to the Mighty & True process is easy. Just fill out a "start a project" form and you'll receive an automated calendar scheduling link to begin discussing your project. For new clients, we have a 2 week onboarding period where we structure a series of Loom videos and video calls to get to know your brand and team. We also allow you to upload brand files and other training elements from your team into the FlowOS dashboard for easy access and reading for our team.

Still have questions?

Contact us and we’ll set up a meeting to discuss.

Let's start a project together

Book a 15-minute demo to discover how Mighty & True has revolutionized scale for tech marketing leaders, enabling them to swiftly launch their campaigns in the market with unprecedented efficiency.

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Schedule a meeting with the Mighty & True team. Fill out this form and we'll see you soon!