
5 signs of a broken content strategy and how to fix it

It's more than obvious that when you create B2B campaigns, you have to be sure to use relevant content. It's what will set you apart from all of the other companies that are building content merely to have something in place. You want people to interact with you and see you as a leader in the industry. For that to happen, you have to be relevant.

There are a few signs to look for to show you that you need to up your game in the content department.

Past Campaigns Haven't Had Success

If you haven't had much success with previous campaigns, it might have a lot to do with the content you're producing. Businesses want to know that they're doing business with someone who has their finger on the pulse of the industry.

As such, you have to show that you're in-the-know. Relevancy is critical, and if your campaigns aren't indicating that you know how to deal with current problems, people aren't going to feel compelled to click on a link that you have provided.

You Need Relevant Content if Your ROI is Low

Relevancy adds value.

It ensures that you're actively adding to conversations because you have recent and applicable knowledge to the problems and frustrations that businesses with whom you're dealing. If you have noticed that you're spending a lot of money on campaigns and not getting a good return on investment, consider personalizing the message more to your target demographic.

Identify with the issues you know they're having and make sure they know that you're the one that can help them. You can do A/B testing to see how new content is received. As you get feedback, then you can control your ROI more efficiently, too.

Your Brand isn't Being Highlighted

When you personalize your website, you can customize the content and options you provide visitors based on where they live. For example, you might promote upcoming events in one or more of the several locations your business serves, or connect the visitor with a sales resource or channel partner specific to their area.

If you offer free access to specific types of customers, you could let those segments know about this benefit without offending visitors from segments that might be paying for access or specific service levels.

You're Not Experiencing High Engagement

Whether your B2B campaigns are on Facebook, Twitter, or anywhere else, you need to look at the kind of engagement you're getting. Don't look solely at impressions because it can be extremely misleading. Instead, look at the type of engagement you're getting on the posts. Are people commenting, liking, and sharing? If they're not, then you probably aren't using enough relevant content.

By posting more relevant content in your campaigns, people will find it useful. When people see content helpful, they're more likely to engage with it. That means you're more likely to earn customers for life because they will have learned something from you.
[bctt tweet="When people see content helpful, they're more likely to engage with it."]

You Haven't Identified Your Target Demographic

If you're still not sure who you're marketing to, there's a problem. You won't have success until you can identify the types of businesses who will buy from you. It might be time to do some market research so that you can laser focus on your target demographic. You should know whether you are marketing to small or large businesses, whether they are chains or independently owned, and in what industries. By doing so, you can ensure you're creating relevant content explicitly for them.

Additionally, you may need to create more than one B2B campaign. Each target demographic (yes, you can have more than one) should have its campaign because what's relevant to one may not be relevant to another.

Talk to us more about creating relevant content for your B2B campaigns or get a project started today by hitting that "schedule a project" button! 

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