The Drag & Drop Newsletter - Edition 70

Hello there, tech marketers! Welcome to another edition of Drag & Drop, the home of high-performance, hassle-free tech marketing. This is a one-stop shop for tech, marketing, and what's new at Mighty & True. Let's get this thing started!

🚀 In this week's Drag & Drop:

  • M&T free ABM campaign scorecard 🔥
  • AI that handles repetitive questions on Slack 🙃
  • Need an AI refresher? We got you 🤖
  • How AI is changing the sales game 💰
  • OpenAI and Thrive Global partner up 🤝
  • AI at Work: The Future is Here - all on Microsoft's latest study 🚀
  • ABM roadmap (and it's free) 📄

✅ Download our free ABM program scorecard

If you've been running ABM campaigns for a while and need to evaluate your current systems, plans, and technology, we have the perfect tool for you: our ABM scorecard. This is the same scorecard we use for our own ABM evaluations. It's a must-have.

Inside, you'll find the key levers we consider when determining where to focus for maximum impact. Get your copy by visiting this link. Enjoy!

🔩 Tool of the week

Question Base: If you are like us, our Slack threads can get out of control. This smart AI autoresponder for Slack handles those repetitive questions you receive daily, freeing you up for more important tasks... like a longer lunch for a change. Try it out here.

Other tools we're monitoring

We're continually testing design, low-code, no-code, and AI tools making our work high-performance and hassle-free. Explore our curated selection below:

  • Motiff: Figma-like AI-powered UI design tool for marketing professionals.
  • Plus AI PowerPoint Maker: You guessed it, a PowerPoint AI generator. But a pretty good one!
  • Walling: Helps you organize and present your ideas effortlessly.

🤖 Need an AI refresher? Watch this 👇

We recently stumbled upon a video that condenses a full-day AI course into 18 minutes of engaging drawings and discussions ✍🏼. It answers key questions like what generative AI is, how it works, its uses, and risks.

The video also delves into autonomous agents, human roles, prompt tips, the origin of ChatGPT, various model types, and mindset tips for AI. A fascinating and insightful watch 💻 for anyone wanting to brush up on their generative knowledge.

💶 How generative AI will change sales

We talk a lot about marketing in this newsletter, but every once in a while we have to give our little brothers (aka Sales Professionals) a look to see how they are faring when it comes to the latest in AI.

This article on the use of generative AI in sales is a great peek into how Microsoft and Salesforce are already changing how salespeople perform administrative work, routine interactions with clients, and forecasting using AI. Things are changing on the other side of the wall and you better keep up. Read more here.

🤝 AI meets health & wellness

OpenAI's Sam Altman and Thrive Global's CEO Arianna Huffington are teaming up to launch a hyper-personalized AI health coach app. It seeks to model healthy behavior in users based on their health data, with a special focus on chronic conditions.

For B2B businesses, this highlights how just about every industry is promoting some sort of AI add on or solution to pre-AI software. It's a fun thing to watch as you are thinking about both using and promoting your own product's (new?) AI features 👩‍💻.

You can read more about the news here.

💬 Microsoft's study on AI in the workplace

2024 is the year AI gets serious in the workplace 👀. The use of generative AI has nearly doubled in the past six months, with 75% of global knowledge workers using it to boost productivity.

While leaders see AI as essential, many struggle to implement it effectively. Microsoft and LinkedIn's extensive study reveals insights and actionable steps for leveraging AI to transform businesses and the labor market. Dive into the full report to stay ahead in the AI era 🎯.

💥 Improve your ABM efforts with our Free Roadmap Offer

The start of Q3 is the perfect time to review the status of your ABM programs going into the end of the year. And as a Drag & Drop subscriber, you're in luck! We’re offering our FREE ABM ROADMAP SERVICE to the next 5 readers who sign up! Schedule some time with me to learn more about the process and get things started.

If you want to know more about our ABM services, go here.

Want more of our Drag & Drop goodness? Head over to the Drag & Drop blog and check out more tips and tricks curated by the Mighty & True team.

If you like what you see and are interested in tech marketing done the low-hassle, high-performance way, get started with us. It's free and easy to get us started on an action plan. Check us out!

Stay hassle-free, friends,

The M&T Drag & Drop Team ♥️