The Drag & Drop Newsletter - Edition 69

Hello there, tech marketers! Welcome to another edition of Drag & Drop, the home of high-performance, hassle-free tech marketing. This is a one-stop shop for tech, marketing, and what's new at Mighty & True. Let's get this thing started!

🚀 In this week's Drag & Drop:

  • M&T Free Campaign Messaging Template 🔥
  • AI-powered desktop assistant👇
  • Figma AI is making us happy 🤤
  • Shared prompts using Claude 👯‍♀️
  • More LinkedIn Newsletter goodness 🗞️
  • The importance of data quality 📈
  • X launched a new training tool ❎
  • A free ABM offer from Mighty & True 🛫

⭐️ Grab our Free Campaign Messaging Template

When creating an integrated campaign, keeping the message locked in across elements is a huge factor in customer engagement. At M&T, we use a handy campaign messaging framework on all our campaigns that keeps the message consistent across all channels, content, and campaign elements. It's a game-changer!

We want you to be in on the fun too... so we're giving away our Campaign Messaging Template in a free download you can grab here. Target the message precisely, using the right message across all channels and assets.

Grab our free campaign messaging template here!

🔩 Tool of the week

Findr: Findr is an AI-powered tool that helps centralize scattered knowledge, eliminate repetitive questions, and amplify team performance using your current tools stack. It's a good alternative to Gemini for searching and contextualizing desktop information. Worth a look!

Other tools we're monitoring

We're continually testing design, low-code, no-code, and AI tools making our work high-performance and hassle-free. Explore our curated selection below:

  • Storyblok: Optimize your content process and enhance cost savings. A double whammy!
  • GenType: A, B, C's just got a lot easier. Make an alphabet out of anything you desire.
  • Deblank: Create color palettes for your brand, client designs, or anything your heart desires.

🧠 Oh joy... Figma finally catches up with AI

We've been waiting ages for Figma to launch their AI tools and the day is finally here! We're starting to see the first of their AI tools like Visual Search for finding designs, Enhanced Asset Search, and features for image editing, text translation, and interactive prototyping.

These tools are free during the beta until 2024, with pricing and usage details to follow. Check out this video below for more product details.

Read more here and watch the Figma Config Keynote here:

Anthropic announces Projects allowing shared prompts

A new first-world problem that is now a reality is "Darn it. How do I share my AI results with my co-workers or have them iterate with me in my AI chats?". Well, Claude is now the first AI tool to allow shared prompts with their aptly named "Projects" announcement.

Users can now organize their chats into Projects, bringing together curated sets of knowledge and chat activity in one place. Costs more but for those of us who work in teams (aka every marketing team anywhere), this could be a game changer.

Read their announcement here.

🗞️ More LinkedIn newsletters tools announced

Did you know we publish our Drag & Drop newsletter in both email and on LinkedIn and the audiences are different? Pretty cool. Using LinkedIn newsletters, we've been able to expand our newsletter audience beyond those that we can reach via email. If you are not using LinkedIn for your newsletters, you should be.

Just announced, LinkedIn just launched a slew of new tools to help creators on LinkedIn (like us) create even better newsletter content on the LinkedIn platform.

See the announcement here.

☝️ Data quality rises to the top!

Improving data quality is always a top priority for B2B marketers, especially when trying to target ICPs, etc... According to this multi-year study by Anteriad, 46% of marketers who are confident in their data strategy reported a significant increase in revenue compared to just 15% of their less confident counterparts

However, 63% find it challenging to reach the right audience, and half struggle with data sourcing and channel selection.

It never seems to end. Finding good data is and will always be a challenge. See what your fellow marketers are saying about data quality in the 2023 report here.

❎ X launches X Academy

In what might be just a rehash of Twitter's Ad Courses, X just announced a new learning platform to take advantage of the new X ad features. We haven't reviewed it yet, but we thought it was worth a mention for those of you spending ad dollars on X.

Review the coursework here.

💥 Improve your ABM efforts with our Free Roadmap Offer

The start of Q3 is the perfect time to review the status of your ABM programs going into the end of the year. And as a Drag & Drop subscriber, you're in luck! We’re offering our FREE ABM ROADMAP SERVICE to the next 5 readers who sign up! Schedule some time with me to learn more about the process and get things started.

If you want to know more about our ABM services, go here.

Want more of our Drag & Drop goodness? Head over to the Drag & Drop blog and check out more tips and tricks curated by the Mighty & True team.

If you like what you see and are interested in tech marketing done the low-hassle, high-performance way, get started with us. It's free and easy to get us started on an action plan. Check us out!

Stay hassle-free, friends,

The M&T Drag & Drop Team ♥️