The Drag & Drop Newsletter - Edition 66

Hello there, tech marketers! Welcome to another edition of Drag & Drop, the home of high-performance, hassle-free tech marketing. This is a one-stop shop for all things tech, marketing, and what's new at Mighty & True. Let's get this thing started!

🚀 In this week's Drag & Drop:

  • Mighty & True and Mutiny hook up for ABM innovation 💍
  • A short review of the Mutiny special sauce 🌶️
  • Note-taking tool that's gaining popularity 📝
  • Apple introduces AI for the rest of us 🍏
  • B2B ads enter the living room with Google TV 📺
  • Check out LinkedIn's new AI tool for B2B Marketing 📊
  • Superintelligence is coming for us all 😱
  • New M&T Junebox Spotify Playlist. Headphones on 🎧

🦝 Mighty & True joins forces with Mutiny for AI-powered account-based marketing

We're excited to announce that Mighty & True is now a Mutiny agency partner. This new venture will allow us to unlock more support from the Mutiny team to enable our customers to build personalization strategies at scale for their ABM programs.

If you want more information on what Mutiny can do for you, watch this personalization overview. We're busy signing up demos and introductions to the platform now, so if you are interested in having our team elevate your ABM strategy, schedule a meeting with us to discuss.

💥 A short M&T review of the Mutiny platform for ABM

We're so excited about our Mutiny announcement that we decided to fanboy a bit in our latest post about why we love Mutiny for ABM. Dive into our short review of the platform to see why Mutiny deserves your attention and how it can supercharge your ABM strategies. Check it out here🧑‍💻.

🔩 Tool of the week

NotebookLM: Google Gemini 1.5 Pro's Note-taking app is up and running and really helpful for loading all types of documents and links and getting overviews, citations, etc. It's a great alternative to test vs. ChatGPT or Perplexity. Read more about its capabilities and start experimenting here.

Other tools we're monitoring

We're continually testing design, low-code, no-code, and AI tools that are making our work high-performance and hassle-free. Explore our curated selection below:

  • SEOJuice: Streamlined internal linking for SEO 🔗.
  • Doly: Have a physical tech product? Creates 3D product videos of them using AI from your phone📱.
  • Magic Studio: Pretty cost-effective Canva-like video editing tool.

🍏 Apple ups it's AI game (with some help)

After a long wait and with some more than minor help from OpenAI, Apple's new Apple Intelligence product is finally here. For us marketers, this means a few things. One, we get to geek out over their beautiful landing page (as usual). And two, it introduces advanced AI capabilities that should empower B2B marketers with new tools for enhanced content creation and communication.

Key Features:

  • Intelligent writing tools for efficient content creation and communication.
  • Advanced notification management to allow customers to prioritize important messages and reduce distractions.
  • An image Playground for creating personalized visuals and Genmoji. We like this one.
  • Siri with personal context awareness for seamless multitasking across apps. This may come in handy for customer service and other customer comms needs.

Get more info here.

📺 B2B ads enter the living room with Google TV

Maybe you think your tech brand is too small for TV ads but with Google's just announced Google TV, even small advertisers can now tap into targeted, in-stream video inventory across millions of devices. Integrated with leading brands like Sony and TCL, Google TV provides diverse entertainment, making it an ideal platform for scaling up B2B advertising efforts.

This is intriguing news since B2B companies rarely consider CTV, but it's a fantastic option for scaling up 👀. We've used it for customers before so let us know if you want more info! Oh, and read more on the news here.

🚀 LinkedIn's new AI tool for B2B Marketing

ICYMI: We were excited to see LinkedIn's new AI-powered Accelerate tool announcement this week. There's bound to be more of this coming from the social media giants to aid tech marketers in creating better and higher-performing campaigns with AI.

Though we have not tested it yet, this new LinkedIn tool purports to quickly create an optimized campaign simply by providing information about your brand, product, or service. Once submitted, Accelerate then generates your suggested campaign using AI, and then you simply review, adjust, and launch it.

We will definitely be checking it out. Learn how to test an Accelerate campaign here.

🤖 Situational awareness in AI? Yikes.

We found several really interesting resources related to the research paper by Leopold Aschenbrenner super-intelligent AI that are worth a read. First off, you can watch the Dwarkesh Patel YouTube interview where they discuss everything from the trillion dollar cluster, AGI, CCP espionage at AI labs, and the dangers of outsourcing clusters to the Middle East. You can also listen to the Podcast here.

It's a fascinating listen even for marketers that are looking to learn more about the broader implications of AI security and innovation.

🔥 Go from idea to income with our M&T catalog

It's here! The 2024 Mighty & True Services Catalog just dropped! With more formats and channels than Fritos has chips, this year's catalog has a tasty selection of all the greatest hits of tech marketing, including a few new selections of trending plays and assets... ready-made for your marketing menu. Seriously, this is the quickest way to ramp up your revenue generating programs.

Use it for your own campaign ideation, or select a play and let's get working together! Pick up your copy here.

🦸 Tech marketer super-duper prompt of the week

Here's our latest "super prompt of the week" using ChatGPT. Like last week, we are focusing on another "expert panel" approach to prompting. This strategy trains our AI on creating the ultimate presentation to justify my marketing spend to my financial team. A lofty goal!

Once again, you can use this strategy on any topic really, but we like to use it when various perspectives are needed to craft the perfect marketing strategy. Copy, paste and give it a try!

Act as a top expert in marketing analytics. Review the key principles and methodologies from the following influencers in marketing analytics and reporting: Neil Patel, Avinash Kaushik, Rand Fishkin, Ann Handley, and Seth Godin. Analyze their approaches to marketing metrics, campaign analysis, and reporting.

Then, Act as a marketing analytics expert with comprehensive knowledge from Neil Patel, Avinash Kaushik, Rand Fishkin, Ann Handley, and Seth Godin. Create an ultimate report and justification for a marketing campaign at my company [insert URL here]. Use the following user inputs for the marketing reporting and align the output to the goals of my company and the financial team:

1. **Campaign Objectives**: [User to input objectives]
2. **Key Performance Metrics**: [User to input key metrics]
3. **Campaign Data**: [User to input relevant campaign data]
4. **Financial Data**: [User to input financial data]
5. **Comparative Benchmarks**: [User to input industry benchmarks or past campaign data]
6. **Company Goals**: [User to input company goals]
7. **Financial Team Goals**: [User to input financial team goals]

Structure the report with these sections:

1. **Introduction**: Provide a brief overview of the marketing campaign, its objectives, and how they align with the company’s goals and financial team’s goals.
2. **Metrics Analysis**: Conduct a detailed analysis of key performance metrics used to measure the campaign’s success. Reference methodologies from the listed influencers.
3. **Financial Justification**: Explain the financial benefits and ROI of the marketing campaign, using data-driven arguments and examples. Align the justification with the financial goals of the team.
4. **Comparative Analysis**: Compare the campaign’s performance with industry benchmarks and past campaigns. Highlight how these comparisons support the company’s strategic objectives.
5. **Recommendations**: Provide strategic recommendations for future campaigns based on the analysis and insights from the influencers. Ensure these recommendations support both the company’s and financial team’s goals.
6. **Conclusion**: Summarize the key points and reinforce the justification for the campaign’s success, emphasizing alignment with the company’s and financial team’s goals.

Ensure that the report is well-structured, data-driven, and specifically tailored to meet the goals of the company and the financial team.

☀️ New remote playlist for the month of June

It's getting hot out there. Stay cool with our Junebox Spotify playlist. The perfect companion for your tech marketing deep work. Grab your headphones and our playlist here.

Want more of our Drag & Drop goodness? Head over to the Drag & Drop blog and check out more tips and tricks curated by the Mighty & True team.

If you like what you see and are interested in tech marketing done the low-hassle, high-performance way, get started with us. It's free and easy to get us started on an action plan. Check us out!

Stay hassle-free, friends,

The M&T Drag & Drop Team ♥️