The Drag & Drop Newsletter - Edition 65

Hello there! Welcome to another edition of Drag & Drop, the home of high-performance, hassle-free tech marketing. This is a one-stop shop for all things tech, marketing, and what's new at Mighty & True. Let's get this thing started!

🚀 In this week's Drag & Drop:

  • How to align your ABM efforts with your overall revenue strategy 🧠
  • Another "Page" for your B2B marketing arsenal 🧑‍💻
  • Google says they can now automate ad creation 🔥
  • Over half of Americans use generative AI (are we surprised)👀
  • Microsoft to invest $3.2B in AI in Sweden 😳
  • Plus, the coveted Mighty & True Services Catalog 👇

💥 Are your ABM efforts aligned with your bigger goals?

A mind-blowing 96% of B2B companies are reporting positive results with ABM. While that is a great number, the ongoing success of ABM means that sometimes ABM teams are blowing and going on campaigns without pausing to align with broader marketing goals and investment strategies.

Our latest Drag & Drop blog post introduces the framework we use to align our ABM efforts with broader business goals and creates an investment framework that ensures we're spending every ABM dollar effectively. Head to our website to read more 📊.

🔩 Tool of the week

Perplexity Pages: Perplexity's latest announcement highlights their creation of "Pages", an AI content page format (kind of like a blog only with AI) that easily transforms your research and content into visually appealing, comprehensive content. Learn more about their new features here 📝 and check out their numerous featured pages - our favorite: Beginner's guide to drumming 🥁. Plus, below is a short video showcasing the tool 👇.

Should your tech brand feature a Perplexity page on a topic aligned with your brand? We created a Tech Marketing page for testing if you're interested.

Other tools we're monitoring

We're continually testing design, low-code, no-code, and AI tools that are making our work high-performance and hassle-free. Explore our curated selection below:

  • Google AI Studio: Now allows you to easily access Gemini Flash 1.5.
  • Afforai: We hate manual research. This tool analyzes millions of sources and delivers insights for your research needs.
  • Circleback: Creates detailed meeting notes and action items using AI.

⚡️Google's AI approach to ads creativity and scale

Just in: Google just announced a new AI-powered tool for ad creation 🔥. Their generative AI allegedly enables businesses to create high-performing ads at scale. Hmmm... we're listening.

They're also set to introduce ads in AI search results, offering B2B marketers a revolutionary new approach to search engine marketing (SEM). Very interesting 👀. You can read the full announcement here 💻.

Additionally, get a front-row seat to see Google’s newest ad innovations and learn how you can put Google AI to work in the video below👇. Watch the live keynote here.

🧠 Creative surge: over half of Americans use generative AI

Adobe's latest research reveals that over half of all Americans have explored generative AI in the past year 🌪️. With Firefly alone generating over 6.5 billion images, the transformative potential of AI is undeniable.

For B2B tech marketers, this surge in AI-driven creativity opens doors to crafting impactful content that truly connects with their audience.

Seriously, we are now using generative AI daily in our ideation and versioning for just about any type of marketing asset.

Dive into the full article for insights on leveraging machine learning models ⚡️. Check out the survey findings here to stay ahead of the curve.

💰Microsoft: $3.2 Billion AI investment in Sweden

Microsoft's $3.2 billion investment in Sweden for cloud and AI infrastructure marks a significant step towards advancing global technology. With plans to train 250,000 individuals in AI skills and expand data center capacity, this move not only boosts Sweden's tech but also opens doors for innovative opportunities in the B2B sector.

Read the full news here.

🔥 Have you downloaded our 2024 Services Catalog yet?

It's here! The 2024 Mighty & True Services Catalog just dropped! With more formats and channels than Fritos has chips, this year's catalog has a tasty selection of all the greatest hits of tech marketing, including a few new selections of trending plays and assets... ready-made for your marketing menu.

Use it for your own campaign ideation, or select a play and let's get working together! Pick up your copy here.

🦸 Tech marketer super-duper prompt of the week

Here's our latest "super prompt of the week" using ChatGPT. This week we focus on using an "expert panel" approach to prompting. This strategy trains our AI on thought leaders in a specific marketing category. For this example prompt we're using email thought leaders like Jill Konrath and Aaron Ross to influence our AI's thinking.

You can use this strategy on any topic really, but we like to use it when various perspectives are needed to craft the perfect marketing strategy. Copy, paste and give it a try!

You are a B2B nurture strategy consultant trained by the top experts in B2B marketing and email marketing. Your expertise includes insights and methodologies from Jill Konrath, Aaron Ross, Steli Efti, Jason Lemkin, Mark Hunter, Brian Dean, John Barrows, Trish Bertuzzi, Craig Rosenberg, and David Skok. You are well-versed in creating value-driven, concise, and personalized email campaigns, understanding buyer's perspectives, and delivering actionable content. 

I need your help to create a series of B2B nurture emails aimed at converting leads into customers. Please provide a comprehensive strategy, including:

1. Types of emails to send (e.g., welcome emails, educational content, case studies, promotional offers).
2. The ideal frequency and timing for sending these emails.
3. Key elements to include in each email type to maximize engagement and conversions, referencing specific techniques and frameworks from the thought leaders mentioned.
4. Best practices for segmenting the audience and personalizing the content.
5. Examples of subject lines and email body templates based on the insights from these experts.
6. Metrics to track the performance of these emails and methods to optimize them over time.

Here are some additional guidelines from the thought leaders:

- Jill Konrath emphasizes creating value, being concise, and understanding the buyer's perspective.
- Aaron Ross focuses on personalized, relevant, and targeted email outreach.
- Steli Efti advocates for direct, honest, and actionable communication.
- Jason Lemkin highlights the importance of persistence, understanding customer pain points, and delivering value in every interaction.
- Mark Hunter provides tips on crafting compelling subject lines, personalizing messages, and following up effectively.
- Brian Dean stresses the importance of value-driven content and strategic follow-ups.
- John Barrows offers techniques that increase open rates, engagement, and conversions.
- Trish Bertuzzi specializes in crafting impactful sales emails that resonate with prospects.
- Craig Rosenberg discusses best practices for segmentation, personalization, and automation.
- David Skok focuses on metrics, conversion optimization, and customer journey mapping.

Please use this knowledge to craft an effective and impactful B2B nurture email campaign strategy.

Want more of our Drag & Drop goodness? Head over to the Drag & Drop blog and check out more tips and tricks curated by the Mighty & True team.

If you like what you see and are interested in tech marketing done the low-hassle, high-performance way, get started with us. It's free and easy to get us started on an action plan. Check us out!

Stay hassle-free, friends,

The M&T Drag & Drop Team ♥️